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In northcentral Namibia, Waterberg Plateau Park (WPP) is a protected area that acts as a refuge for rare and endangered species, while the farmlands surrounding the Park are managed for livestock production, but support populations of wildlife for game farming, trophy hunting, and conservation. During June–October 2006, camera-traps were set within and surrounding WPP to assess leopard (Panthera pardus) density (n = 19 camera stations and 946 camera-trap-nights). Fortuitously, photographic results (2,265 photos of identifiable mammal (n = 37) and bird (n = 25) species) allowed us to assess aspects of species diversity and differences among the Park, the farmland areas along the Waterberg Plateau escarpment, and the flatlands surrounding the escarpment. Species composition among the three areas was markedly different, and made sense with respect to differences in habitat and management features. Camera-trapping efforts, although intended for a narrow purpose, may also provide a rather robust record of differences in mammal and bird diversity in adjacent habitats and can be incorporated into long-term monitoring programs.  相似文献   
《Mammalian Biology》2014,79(3):176-182
Rapid changes in agricultural landscape structure and composition affect many different farmland biotas, including carnivores, which are a key element of ecosystem stability, yet little is known about their distribution and habitat use. In this study, we evaluated how habitat characteristics on two different spatial scales (local and landscape scale) affected the forest-edge utilization by small and medium-sized carnivores in fragmented central European farmland. Based on an indirect method for detecting carnivores (scent stations), we sampled 212 forest fragments of different sizes (1–7864 ha) during April to May from 2006 to 2009. Our results indicate that carnivore utilization of forest-edge habitats was driven by landscape rather than local characteristics even though the overall extent of explained variation was small. The most important factors that determined response of the carnivore community were the area of farmland and that of urban land on a landscape scale. The corridor connectivity between small forest fragments and other spatial elements played a crucial role in the occurrence of red fox. Our results suggest that comprehensive studies on multi-species carnivore assemblage using scent station might be useful in evaluating species-specific response to habitat characteristics, especially if large numbers of stations visited by carnivores are available.  相似文献   
随着生态文明理念的不断落实和土地多功能管理的转型,土地整治的生态化发展开始进入全面创新与实践探索的关键时期.系统梳理土地整治的生态环境效应理论研究与实践探索的发展过程,明确“新时代”下学科研究的服务方向和实施路径,对于实施“生态化”土地整治战略非常重要.本文以2000年以来国内外有关土地整治生态环境效应的文献为分析对象,采用Citespace 1.0软件的文献计量分析及文献归纳方法,对土地整治的生态环境效应研究热点进行识别,并从生态环境要素、生态景观、生态系统服务3个方面总结并提炼了土地整治生态环境影响的作用机制.在此基础上,从区域生态系统服务水平测度及障碍因子诊断、土地整治对区域生态系统服务的影响效应及其机制、基于生态系统服务提升的生态化土地整治模式构建等方面提出未来“生态化”土地整治的应用路径,旨在为我国“山水林田湖草”生命共同体的修复与建设提供科学依据.  相似文献   
乡镇土地整治是建设中国美丽乡村的重要途径,对当地生态环境带来正面和负面影响,如何准确评价其生态效益是国家开展土地整治和美丽乡村建设需要面临的重要科学问题。以中国西南部丘陵地区典型乡镇——四川省金堂县三星镇的土地整治工程为例,对比分析了生态系统服务价值当量修正法和单项服务评价法评估土地整治生态效益的异同,以期确定适合我国西南部丘陵地区乡镇土地整治生态效益评估的合理方法。研究结果表明:单项服务评价法的评估结果(生态系统服务价值约300万元)比当量修正法(生态系统服务价值约290万元)高3.5%。当量修正法评估的各项生态系统服务价值增量由高到低依次为:调节服务价值支持服务价值供给服务价值文化服务价值;单项服务评价法评估的生态系统服务价值增量大小排序为:调节服务价值支持服务价值文化服务价值供给服务价值。方法依据和参数的选取不同,导致评估结果具有显著差异,主要表现在单项服务评价法测算的维持养分循环价值、美学景观价值分别是当量修正法的46.90倍和6.94倍,当量修正法测算的水文调节价值是单项服务评价法的5.93倍。单项服务评价法针对各项生态系统服务特征,灵活地选取差异化评估方法,因而其评估结果更准确、真实地反映了生态效益价值。建议运用单项服务评价法评估我国西南部丘陵地区乡镇土地整治的生态效益。  相似文献   
The braided rivers with their ever-changing water channels are recognized as one of New Zealand's most distinctive and important ecosystem. We made a survey of the vegetation on the shingle plains in the upper reaches of the braided rivers of South Island. A well-defined colonizing vegetation type was recognized. It consists of lichens, mosses, low herbs, low cushion plants and tufted grasses, and mat-forming plants. Because of the close mechanical connection between the thalli of the lichens of the genus Placopsis (Agyraceae: Ascomycota) with moss cushions and spreading mats of vascular plants, we see this Placopsis trachyderma – Raoulia – community as a special type of biological soil crusts.  相似文献   
探讨了可持续农地整理项目工程设计的概念和特点,提出了农地整理项目工程设计的原理、基本方法和设计流程,并以长泰县雪美津项目区为例,进行了促进土地可持续利用的土地利用多样性设计,土壤改良工程设计和有利于保护动物生存环境的生态型道路工程设计,生态型排水沟和灌水渠工程设计以及农田生态防护林工程设计,并对项目工程设计结果的可持续性从生态可持续性,经济可持续性和社会可持续三方面,选择了14个指标进行了评价,结果表明,按工程设计要求实施后,项目区的生态环境有明显的改善,经济收入有较大的提高,公众满意,农业生产条件显著改善,它符合可持续农地整理的基本要求,有助于推进土地整理的健康发展。  相似文献   
以景观生态学原理为指导,调查了位于太行山中低山区的河北省阜平县胭脂河主流河谷,对河谷内农田斑块的特征及其分布格局进行了分析,结果表明,农田斑块了作河流源头外贯穿整个河谷,从上游向下游,人为活动的增加使农田的比重不断增加,导致自然景观减少,环境异质性降低,农田斑块破碎化和蔼减小,胭脂河河谷总面积为2297.09hm^2,构成河谷景观主体的农田有117个斑块,面积为1027.78hm^2,占河谷面积的44.74%,农田基本紧靠河岸分布,处在水分条件优越但易受洪水威胁的土地带上,农田在河流两侧是非对称分布,其中左岸农田面积587.58hm^2,占57.17%,斑块的宽度呈增加的态势,但变化比较大,基本上以狭长的特征出现。  相似文献   
本研究分析肺炎肺实变患儿支气管肺泡灌洗液病原谱构成,旨在为临床经验性抗感染治疗提供指导。收集2019年1月-2020年1月复旦大学附属儿科医院纤维支气管镜室诊治的住院肺炎病例临床资料,其中肺实变的诊断基于影像学证据,依托国家儿童医学中心病原学检测平台,并参考感染传染科医生解读,本研究对肺炎伴肺实变患儿支气管肺泡灌洗液标本的病原学检测结果进行回顾性分析。结果显示,286例肺炎患儿的286份支气管肺泡灌洗液标本被纳入研究,平均年龄5.5(5.8±3.1)岁,其中195例(68.2%)存在肺炎伴肺实变。总病原体检出率为76.6%(219/286),肺实变和无肺实变肺炎患儿病原体检出率分别为77.9%(152/195)和73.6%(67/91),差异无统计学意义;检出的前5种病原体均为肺炎支原体、腺病毒、鼻病毒、呼吸道合胞病毒和副流感病毒3型。5周岁及以上患儿肺炎支原体检出率达最高77.0%(127/165),肺实变病例和无肺实变病例肺炎支原体检出率分别为67.2%(131/195)和61.5%(56/91),差异无统计学意义。本研究结果提示,肺炎支原体、腺病毒、鼻病毒、呼吸道合胞病毒和副流感病毒3型是导致本研究目标人群患病的主要病原体;病原体检出率高低与是否肺实变无关。  相似文献   
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